Be The Positive

Be The Positive
"Be The Change You Want to See In The World" I want to be a positive change. I will Be The Positive!

April 4, 2014

My Positive Influence

When baby #4 was born, I had my girl (after 3 boys). I know I need to be a good example to her. I want to show her the joy of being a woman and the pleasures of motherhood. I want to her to see a woman that is continually progressing and learning new things. My stay-at-home mom never settled for the bon-bon and daytime television stereotype. My Mother was always doing things to progress, to take care of our family and home, and participating in all our activities. I remember her Jane Fonda work outs, holiday crafts for decorating our home, helping other mom’s by babysitting and delivering dinners and goodies, substitute teaching at our school, coming to my piano and dance recitals, attending my brother’s sporting events, and planning weddings,traveling with the love of her life (my dad!)all over the country and world. She was always supportive of my dad’s military career and school administration career, when we were all in school she accepted a full-time teaching position, and while working she went back to school for her Master’s Degree in School Administration, and became a school principal, with all that she still travels to visit and participate in her grandkids lives. And she continues to progress even when retiring. My parents will soon be serving a full-time mission for our church in Tonga. My mom never called it quits, and we gave her plenty of excuses to! She was always progressing in knowledge, adventures, and love. That is the mom I want to be; the mom that teaches her children to keep learning and progressing, while enjoying her family and home. Thanks Mom for being a positive in my life!! My mom holding my daughter and helping with my boys. She is The Best Mom & Grandma!! My daughter, Me, My Mom, and Her Mom. How awesome to have amazing generations together!


Kelsey said...

I love seeing four generations in one picture! EVERY year I go on a vacation with my Mom and Grandma and I cherish it. We are about to head on our next adventure (a week long California cruise) in three weeks and I can't wait. I am excited for all the adventures you will get to embark on with your sweet baby. I don't have kids but I can attest to a special bond between a daughter and her mother and her grandmother.

Unknown said...

Thank You Kelsey! I agree. I was lucky enough to know my Great- Great Grandma (generations are really close on that side of the fam!) It is a wonderful bond!