Be The Positive

Be The Positive
"Be The Change You Want to See In The World" I want to be a positive change. I will Be The Positive!

September 9, 2014

Positive Body Image

There is a lot of talk about Body Image right now.  I want to chime in too!  I volunteered with A Celebration of Real Beauty over the past couple years.  I really enjoyed my experience and the positive message that they share.  My husband teased me when I got started that it was just a program to help overweight women feel better about being overweight.  But that is NOT how I see positive body image.  And that is NOT what A Celebration of Real Beauty is about.  And I have educated my husband (who has NEVER complained about my body), about positive body image.

While I would still like to bring A Celebration of Real Beauty to the Boise area, I have been doing some of my own work with Be The Positive.  Here is the message I would like to share.

Positive Body Image is being able to love the person you are.  It doesn’t matter if you are skinny, overweight, a super model, mother of 10, or a teenager.  If you don’t love yourself right now, you won’t love yourself when your transformation is complete.  You will never be complete.  Be Happy with who you are NOW!
I LOVE Audrey Hepburn.  I think she is elegant and beautiful.  I do not long to look like her, be her size or shape.  But I enjoy her classy style and acting.  And she left some good quotes.

There are a lot of misconceptions about beauty.  We see it on TV, in movies, commercials, and magazines.  Many of the celebrities that we are admiring have spoken out about the airbrushing.  They have told us about the hours and number of people that work on their hair and makeup.  They admit it isn’t real.  They don’t have this luxury every day.  But yet we have this perception of them every day.

In reality- only 5% of women in the world, fit the “perfect” body that has been shown to us, over and over again.  I’m guessing those 5% have spent a lot of money to be in that group.  How is it possible that 95% of us are wishing we looked like so few people?  That’s enough women to start a revolution!!

When we look in the mirror do we wish things looked different?  I know sometimes I look in the mirror and pick at what I think is wrong.  It isn’t always wishing I looked like a celebrity; just not loving my reflection.  I say reflection, because that is my perception of myself.  I know I love my body, but the reflection that I perceive could lose a few inches, have less skin issues, or wear her clothes better.  It is my perception.  When we can see ourselves the way God sees us- as a creation and something to be loved- we will look perfect!

I know that everybody is different.  That is the joy of our world.  God didn’t create anyone to be exactly the same.  We all have different genes, different sizes, and different colors.  I LOVE it!!  We must remember that our bodies are a gift, from a Heavenly Father that created tabernacles for our spirits.  This body is the only one we get and we should cherish and take care of it.

We should eat healthy and be fit.  I know this means different things to everyone reading.  I don’t believe in diets.  I believe in nutrition that fits our lifestyle.  I don’t eat perfectly clean.  I am trying to eat right.  But I love chocolate as much as the next gal!!  I don’t LOVE to get up early and exercise, but I do feel good when I exercise.  I love to dance.  I have learned to enjoy running.  Seriously, I had to learn- another post, another time.  Again, getting that motivation to get out the door isn’t always easy.  But I start to miss it, if I don’t run for a while.  I have been learning about weight lifting.  I am learning to tone my muscles.  This has been a good experience.  I’ve never had a lot of muscle.  I shy away from HEAVY lifting.  But it is nice to build some muscle (I’m not bulking) and be able to use it! 

I don’t exercise to lose weight or change my size.  I exercise because it relieves stress and releases endorphins.  It is a good way to avoid depression.  I try not to look at the other people working out, I don’t want to get caught up with thoughts of “I wish I looked like her!” or “I’m glad I’m not that big”.  That’s not fair to them or me.  We are all there working to be healthy.  We should have a party every day we are there & celebrate our healthy choice and love of our bodies!!  Ha!  Wouldn’t that get more people to the gym.  Can we get cake too?  Ha-ha!!  Sorry… But I do like cake.

Positive Body Image is important to avoid self-doubt, depression, and eating disorders.  Healthy lifestyle is important for avoiding heart disease, high cholesterol, and type II diabetes.  Positive Body Image is all about loving and taking care of our one and only body.

1 comment:

Nancy Garcia said...

Thanks for the positive outlook on our bodies. I have to ask- do you really not exercise to lose weight? How often do you get on the scale? I have a hard time believing women don't worry about the number.