Be The Positive

Be The Positive
"Be The Change You Want to See In The World" I want to be a positive change. I will Be The Positive!

October 15, 2014

Learning Wisdom from Others

I was able to have lunch with an amazing group of women a couple weeks ago.  They are more mature and experienced in life, marriage, family, and home than I am.  I absolutely enjoyed partaking of their conversation, advice, and stories.  Being the youngest in the group doesn’t happen as often as it used to.  One of the women apologized that I was having to socialize with “older” women and was worried I felt awkward.  Are you kidding?  I LOVED IT!! 

I learned new things about these women, home & family tricks, and how to better serve in my community.  One woman talked about her world champion horse, losing weight, and taking dance class.  Hooray for her!!  I enjoyed hearing about these positive things in her life.  Another woman came from work on her lunch break, and talked about her love of canning and preserving.  She brought a great tool she uses to keep her lids from sticking together!  And she shared a makeup tip.  Another gal talked about moving from California to Idaho to be near her best friend and sister and how she is so happy she made this change!  There was a new friend that told us about an organization she and her husband are a part of.  They get to go to Africa with families who are looking to adopt out of country.  They help in the orphanages with physical and emotional needs.  I was so humbled to hear of her passion and love for this cause.  One of the Ladies was already a friend of mine (the one who apologized); she shared her story of giving her kidney to her son with kidney disease.  She talked about the testing and the doctor’s doubts.  She shared her good health choices and how they made it possible to share her kidney with her son.  Another gal talked about traveling the world with her husband and how happy she is that they can enjoy it together.  She offered cleaning tips for the home.  The last lady to share told about an accident her husband had when falling off a ladder.  The head injury he received and the bleak outcome that the doctors have given him.  He is home, and she is his caretaker, for now.  They are hopeful, prayerful, and grateful.  She feels so lucky to still have him with her, no matter the challenge.  They are positive that they can work through this.

I shared my story of where I grew up, how I met my husband, and my current journey to Mrs. Idaho America.  I talked about my platform, Be The Positive.  I expressed the importance of having a positive attitude and having something that we enjoy to help us through the tough times.  I didn’t need to share for long.  These women have amazing experiences and positive attitudes.  They inspired me to be more positive that day!!  What a blessing for me to be invited to attend this luncheon.  Truly inspiring.  I now have 6 new friends.  None of which are old or boring!  Thank You Ladies for your wisdom and friendship.  The only thing I regret, is I didn't get any pictures!!!!  Oops!

1 comment:

Holbrook said...

We appreciate your positive example and up beat attitude in helping make our world a little brighter and little happier. We hope we are following your example in our work and service and are proud to call you our daughter. DaD and MoM