Be The Positive

Be The Positive
"Be The Change You Want to See In The World" I want to be a positive change. I will Be The Positive!

April 27, 2014

Mrs. Idaho America

I am going to jump around a little bit with my personal journey. I previously wrote about my desire to try new things and continually progress. As part of that journey, I looked up opportunities to serve my community and share my talents. That search led me to the Mrs. Idaho America Pageant. I have never done a pageant before. I always enjoyed watching them on TV and seeing all the beautiful dresses. I didn't even think twice about doing it when I was a teen. Sounded neat, but not for me. I didn't have the self-confidence or motivation to give myself that opportunity. Now, I don't need other people to tell me I am good person, I love my life and my family. This pageant was an opportunity for me to explore service opportunities in my community. And explore a fun way, to find a different perspective about myself. I have definitely accomplished that and so much more. I have met over 80 women from across our state that are doing the same thing: serving their community, raising a family, and sharing their love of marriage with others. There are so many amazing women in this state, and the ladies in the pageant are just a handful representing all of them. It is so inspiring. I meet with these ladies and it makes me feel uplifted, feel good about who I am and gives me inspiration to keep going, be my best, and share this excitement with my family and community. It is truly an amazing thing to sit in a room with women of this caliber. And I had the opportunity to do that this weekend. Just imagine an empty hotel banquet room filled with tables, chairs, pageant packets, and sparkle. In walk 45 women, the women start to introduce themselves by name & title. As the conversations continue we hear about what everyone's families are doing that day. Wow!! This room is filled with people who have really busy schedules. In walks our current Mrs. Idaho, full of smiles, then we see Mrs. World come in with her spunky young personality spilling all over the room. We did a little dance together and heard about their amazing journey. Our pageant directors and sponsors spoke to us about service opportunities, hair care & styling, skin care, make up application, fundraising opportunities, jeans, spray tans, dresses, accessories, community service, kitchen items, health drinks, fitness, eating clean, and more service opportunities. Then we had some time to practice interviews and walking in heels on stage and take some pictures. It was such an information packed, eye opening, uplifting, and girly girl day for me. I am absolutely enjoying this chance to explore myself, serve my community, and celebrate my marriage and family. This has been a very positive experience for me, so far. And it is giving me the chance to "Be the Change I want to See in The World".

Mrs. Idaho- Misty Kesler; Mrs. Eagle- Alyson Likes; Mrs. World- Kaley Sparling
If you would like to follow my journey in the pageant, meet my sponsors, and learn more about the Mrs. Idaho America Pageant check out my Facebook Fan Page: Mrs. Eagle- Alyson Likes

April 18, 2014

Spring Break Trip

Our family took our first Family Vacation!! We've gone to visit Grandpa & Grandma in another state as a family, that was okay when the kids were younger, but we realize they need other adventures too. We've gone camping around our beautiful state of Idaho- I would recommend it to everyone!! The big boys have gone out of state for some fun adventures with Dad (thanks to baseball tournaments), but never all 6 of us together. So... I started looking up trips to Disneyland or Las Vegas. Unsure if I was finding the best price, I shared my ideas with my sister, dad, and mom. It turns out my sister & my mom were thinking of Disneyland trips too. So, even better- we planned a multiple family trip together!! The planning was so fun, sharing deals, and finally confirming our vacation purchase!! This was such a great way to see family we don't see often, and have a family vacation. I was so excited, I shared this excitement with my kids (who thought I was crazy- but went with it anyway). We saved up money, did jobs around the house to earn spending money, got everything prepared for the best trip ever! And it was!
Here's why- Disneyland is the Happiest Place on Earth. Really- it is. I don't know how they find that many employees willing to do a somewhat monotonous job (pushing the same ride buttons, waving their arms for the lines to move, sweeping up spilled popcorn), and still smile & call everyone "Princess" or "Prince" or "Musketeer". They were always willing to lend a hand getting on & off rides. I heard some answer the same questions over and over again. The way they kindly remind people not to climb on the chains, fences, or rocks. I don't think a single employee had a bad day. If they did, it didn't show!!! I was so impressed by these positive attitudes. From the moment we stepped off our shuttle & got into the bag check line, each and every employee smiled & spoke kindly. I realize, for some of them, it is how they keep their job, others may actually enjoy seeing 50,000 + people everyday, all day. Whatever it is, Disney has done a wonderful job training their employees, and keeping their employees happy. I actually wanted to apply for a job while we were there, just to experience that unconditional positive happiness. CRAZY?! My kids didn't want to leave, they liked the idea of getting a job at Disneyland and living there forever.
This raised two questions in my mind- 1. Would I ever get tired of being that happy all the time? 2. Why do I need to look for unconditional happiness outside of my own life? I can be that kind of happy, all the time, in my own life- now. Everyone has bad days, it happens. But is it the world's fault? I don't need to take it out on people I meet while running errands. They didn't wake my two year old up crying at 1:30 am, and again at 2:45 am, and again at 6:30 am. They didn't eat all of the cereal and cause my 5 year old to throw a tantrum over it. But... here's the harder part- when this happens in my home (which it does, more than I like), do I still look at my two year old and call her princess? What about my 5 year old musketeer? How am I handling this bad day? Currently- I'm blogging about it. I'm hoping that by sharing my thoughts and goals with all of you, I will feel more accountable to having that unconditional happiness. I do wish I could go through the Disneyland training & see what the motivation is to be kind to the toddler who is screaming about sitting on their mom's lap, or calm the lady down who complained about standing in line so long, just to have the ride break down as she got to the front of the line. (This happened to me twice, but I never felt the need to be upset, because they were so nice about it!) Where can I get that kind of training?
I have to add a little religion here. My religion is part of my everyday life. It is my lifestyle and how I make my decisions. This unconditional happiness that I saw & felt at Disneyland is similar to the unconditional Christ-like love that I have experienced throughout my life. My Savior and Father in Heaven have and always will give it to me, my parents offer it to me and my family. That is what I need to do for my family and others that I cross paths with. I need to share the love & happiness to all the Musketeers that come in and out of my life, but especially the Princess and Princes that are so precious in my world. I know bad days will still happen, but my memories of Disneyland can help brighten those days & give me hope to get through them, along with my prayers and faith of eternal families. I can have that happiness in my life all the time, if I choose to- and never tire of it. I am not getting paid by Disney to promote family vacations there, but I do hope your family can experience the joys of Disneyland. If not, at least a family outing to renew that happiness in your family.

April 4, 2014

My Positive Influence

When baby #4 was born, I had my girl (after 3 boys). I know I need to be a good example to her. I want to show her the joy of being a woman and the pleasures of motherhood. I want to her to see a woman that is continually progressing and learning new things. My stay-at-home mom never settled for the bon-bon and daytime television stereotype. My Mother was always doing things to progress, to take care of our family and home, and participating in all our activities. I remember her Jane Fonda work outs, holiday crafts for decorating our home, helping other mom’s by babysitting and delivering dinners and goodies, substitute teaching at our school, coming to my piano and dance recitals, attending my brother’s sporting events, and planning weddings,traveling with the love of her life (my dad!)all over the country and world. She was always supportive of my dad’s military career and school administration career, when we were all in school she accepted a full-time teaching position, and while working she went back to school for her Master’s Degree in School Administration, and became a school principal, with all that she still travels to visit and participate in her grandkids lives. And she continues to progress even when retiring. My parents will soon be serving a full-time mission for our church in Tonga. My mom never called it quits, and we gave her plenty of excuses to! She was always progressing in knowledge, adventures, and love. That is the mom I want to be; the mom that teaches her children to keep learning and progressing, while enjoying her family and home. Thanks Mom for being a positive in my life!! My mom holding my daughter and helping with my boys. She is The Best Mom & Grandma!! My daughter, Me, My Mom, and Her Mom. How awesome to have amazing generations together!

Loved reading this Huffington Post article this morning.

This should be our reaction EVERYTIME. On both sides. I LOVE stories like this!! Article:

Sent by Alyson

My Life Evolving

I suffered from post-partum depression after my second child was born. I don’t want to ever be that mom, wife, or woman again. I didn’t recognize myself. I felt so much sadness and anger, and quit trying to be happy. I didn’t care if anyone else was happy either. What family wants to live like that? Thankfully, not mine. I had a husband who could see the negativity & protected my boys from it. He was kind enough to listen & to offer support. I was so worried he would shun me for being less than the perfect wife & mother. He tried to understand, even though I didn’t. We looked up information on line & went into the Dr. together. Sure enough it was depression & my husband didn’t cast me away or lock me in a rubber room. We accepted the diagnosis; we tried the medication and recommendations from the Doctor. 4 months later it was under control, and a couple months after that the Doctor weaned me off the medication. Sometimes I can feel & see similar symptoms creeping into my mind or daily life. I refuse to let that woman come back. I keep searching for things to better myself, my family, and my home. I’m not saying I have it figured out, but our family is still together and most days happy.