Be The Positive

Be The Positive
"Be The Change You Want to See In The World" I want to be a positive change. I will Be The Positive!

August 18, 2014

Setting Goals

We all need to set goals.  It gives us something to work toward.  Whether it’s a goal to read a book, or find peace in our lives, become physically fit, get an education, or even get dinner on the table tonight.  We all have goals big and small.  We may not even realize how many goals we set in a day.  We call it our “to do list”.  But to accomplish these goals we have to have a plan.

Goals can become habit, they can improve your overall life, and even other’s.  Some goals can be life changing events.   My current goals that change my daily routine are to learn about & participate (& do well) in the Mrs. Idaho Pageant (plus all the community involvement that goes along with it!).  I need to work out to become physically fit enough to be on stage in a swimsuit, without having a panic attack.  I do have other things in life I would like to do, but I have not created a plan for those.  This is where I have prioritized my time.
There is a person in my life that has been an uplifting voice, encouraging attitude, and perfect picture of endurance.  It is my sister-in-law, Lindsay.  She is always smiling, and sharing positive and kind words.  I’ve never heard her speak ill of another person or put anyone down.  I enjoy being around her, hearing from her, and having her as family and a friend.

Lindsay was a source of inspiration to me this past weekend.  Lindsay told me a few months ago she was doing a sprint triathlon.  She was nervous, but used her knowledge and resources and trained.  Lindsay did research on bikes, attire, wet suits, and training schedules.  She watched YouTube videos to help her be a better swimmer.  She went to the gym and swam laps (sometimes twice a day), rode bikes, and ran.  She practiced transitioning between swim, bike, & run.  She studied the course map and drove the race route.  She practiced swimming in open water; she practiced riding the bike route.  Lindsay has a hubby who made a great support team!  She also had a pretty fun cheering section. ;) 
The day of the event arrived.  We were at the lake early in the morning to cheer her on.  She started & we could barely keep up with her!  She was a speed demon on that course.  She felt good, she had prepared, and the goal was being accomplished!!  She place 1st in her age division.  It was so fun to see her accomplish this goal she had been working toward.  Lindsay enjoyed it, she was prepared for it, and she performed exceptionally well.  And was still up for pageant shopping afterward!!

It is such an inspiration of how goal setting should be.  Make a plan, work toward that plan, and don’t give up.  Having an event at the end really helps.  You know you have to have it done by a certain time.  My personality type needs something like that to help accomplish goals.  The Pageant as a deadline has been good for me.  Now I want to try a triathlon too!!  Lindsay has given me a lot of energy & great tips.  I know triathlon season is about over & I’m concentrating on the pageant right now.  But I would love to do one next spring/ summer.
I don’t feel like I’m saying anything new.  But hopefully this gives you a nice reminder, a gentle push, or new perspective to goal setting; and maybe even physical fitness.  Please share goals you have set & are working on, or have accomplished!  I would love hear your success stories.  Share some of the struggles you have had while working on goals.  Let’s see if a new perspective can help!!?

1 comment:

L.L. said...

Fitness goals are great! Do you have any other goals you could share with us? I would love to hear more about what you are doing to train for pageant too!